Award-winning film director and series producer, Sarita Khurana, presented her work on the Emmy-nominated series, “Asian American Stories of Resilience and Beyond” on 28 September 2023 at the Raah Lab. The series looks at AAPI communities facing a double-pandemic of Covid-19 and anti-Asian racism in the United States over the past three years. Co-produced by the Asian-American Documentary Network(A-Doc), PBS/World Channel, and the Center for Asian American Media, these short films explore stories about identity, power, grief, and resilience, as well as the racial reckoning and solidarity efforts within Asian American and BIPOC communities catalyzed by the Black Lives Matter movement. Khurana talked about the co-production model, screened several films and excerpts from the series, including her own work, and talked about amplifying AAPI voices and communities that are often ignored or misrepresented in the media.